
Nexus 2023

July 28-30 |5 pm–7 pm PDT

Join our 3-day webinar to take the next step toward becoming successful investors and entrepreneurs.

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What's happening?

Venture Capital

Day one features three tenured scholars with experience in the Venture Capital industry. They will share insights on networking, college preparation, and other key factors for success in the field. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge and strategies to navigate the industry and make the most of your upcoming years.


Image of Kaden Sisk
Kaden Sisk
Image of Pedro Zorrilla Velasco
Pedro Zorrilla Velasco
Image of Francisco Quintana
Francisco Quintana

Conference 2023

In an era of rapid financial evolution and digitization, the need to comprehend the intricacies of the finance sector has never been more crucial. Traditional education often falls short in providing insights into the real-world complexities of investment and wealth management. Thus, our mission is to ignite the spark of financial literacy among the trailblazers of tomorrow

We are excited to welcome you to Finance Nexus 2023: a three-day webinar designed to inform, engage, and inspire the next generation of finance professionals and business visionaries. Over the course of this event, participants will have the opportunity to delve into the realms of Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Investment Banking. Each day will feature industry leaders who will share their insights, experiences, and the dynamic nature of their respective fields.

July 28th is dedicated to Venture Capital, July 29th to Private Equity, and July 30th to Investment Banking.Don't miss out on this opportunity to glean valuable knowledge from top professionals in these areas. Prepare to be part of the movement that shapes the finance leaders of tomorrow at Finance Nexus 2023.

Specifically, you'll learn...

  • Key concepts for effective investing
  • Real-world experiences from finance professionals
  • Investment strategies in volatile markets
  • Fintech's impact on financial landscape
  • Role of cryptocurrencies in decentralized finance
  • Significance of ESG investing
  • AI's role in predictive analytics and trading
Sign up now

The conference is designed for students harboring an interest in the future of finance, investing, technology, blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, the metaverse, and more. All participants receive insights and knowledge from professionals around the world.

Meet the speakers